Saturday, June 23, 2012

I Can Has Sugar Daddy?

Hi everyone. I had decided to take a little blogging break since I didn't have anything happening and didn't think I'd have anything to write about until the ISA group started going on excursions. But I had a little episode that I felt I had to share. So here is a dumb story about the day decided to be a sitcom.

So a few weeks ago I met this guy. He was nice enough and not bad-looking, so I gave him my Panamá cell number and he said he'd call me. At some point he did, though I missed the call. I decided in the morning I'd save the number and call back when I felt better in my Spanish speaking abilities.

Since I'm terrible at talking to boys (in any language) and great a procrastinating, I didn't end up calling until this week. Since there is no internet in the house still, I  watch more TV and had been seeing a lot of ads for Dark Shadows or Sombras Tenebrosas as it's called here. I was sure it was going to be disappointed, because Johnny Depp and Tim Burton need a break from each other, but I thought it would be entertaining anyway. I wanted to go to the movies and everyone knows you can't go to the movies alone. So I invited this guy. The conversation was quick and not too bad because he knew some English. I was all like do you remember me, we met a few weeks ago, do you want to go to the movies and he was all like okay.
After some subsequent back and forths about where we were meeting plans were set.

I took a taxi to the mall, which was the first strange thing because I thought this guy had a car. The Albrook Mall is gigantic. I've been there plenty of times, but as soon as I walked in I was lost. I wandered around for a while before finding the movie theater completely by accident. I called the guy and he said he'd meet me in five minutes.

I was leaning against a wall, trying to figure out what time the movie would start when I heard someone call my name. This is where everything proceeded to get incredibly stupid. So apparently a few weeks ago, I'd missed more than one call. A few weeks ago is also when I went to San Blas and the number was the driver that drove us there. And for those of you who read regularly, it wasn't the gorgeous ear-lobe driver but the man who actually set up the trip. He's at least 50 and about 5 feet tall. I was hoping that maybe this was some sort of weird coincidence, but no, since he was asking me what movie I wanted to see I realized. I'd actually gotten the numbers mixed up.

This was my own fault I suppose. I do try to avoid referring to people by name unless I know them very well and I'm sure I won't screw it up. And I did meet the driver a few weeks ago and he did remember me. Still I don't know why he agreed to it. It was so awkward and I didn't know to explain the situation in a way that didn't seem terrible, so I resigned myself to my 'date' with Grandpa over here.

And of course just to make things even worse, the movie didn't start for an hour and a half so we had to just hang out in the mall together until then. I was friendly and made some of that dreaded small-talk in Spanglish, but I was sure to make sure he didn't get the wrong idea. People tend to think I'm sort of a frigid bitch anyway, so it was just a matter of channeling that so that I could come off as polite but definitely not interested. Give'em the old Noli me Tangere.
 Literary allusions make me classy.

So I ran some errands, but this ended quickly because I never really have errands to run. I put more minutes on my cellphone. Grandpa had paid for the movie tickets, and he gave me a dollar and change because the cellphone chick didn't have change when I bought my minutes. So I guess that makes him my Sugar Daddy.

 Be glad this is the picture I used.

Then I asked to go to the pet store, one because I wanted to see animals but also because I knew it was all the way on the other side of the mall and would eat up time. The was an adorable kitten, which made me feel better because I think cats might be my spirit animal or something. Also I got to play with a cute little bunny. Rabbits in pet stores are usually skittish but this one let me pet it and licked me. And I thought it's a shame you're so nice but no one will buy you because you look so evil.

 Albino Rabbits are creepy.

There was supposed to be another pet store and we looked for it but it was gone, which was fine with me, because time wasting is what I needed.

Anyway after all that we still had 40 minutes to kill. At first it was really embarrassing, but at that point, I thought, well at least I'll have something to blog about. I missed International Sushi Day, so I took the opportunity to go get some from the food court. Thankfully my sugar daddy did not accompany me. While I was waiting for my food I saw a guy that looked exactly like the drunk Kuna. And while that may have just been me being racist, when I got back to the table Grandpa was with his cousins, and one of them was most definitely the woman who charged us to take a picture of her. You don't forget the face of a woman who uses that sort of trickery. I was/am convinced that this was all an elaborate joke someone was playing on me or a very bizarre dream. The cousins quickly departed, because I guess the universe decided not to be that cruel.

After I finished my food, there was some awkward silence and then it was time to wait in line for the movie. I got to spend sometime trying to figure out what movies were about from their Spanish posters. Then it was movie time. Well it was trailer time, and everything looked pretty excellent. So anticipate more movie trips in the future, and I may just have to suck it up and go alone. If that's the lesson to take from this

I liked the movie, it was definitely flat in places, but you know, entertaining enough. During the movie I was able to make some plans to go drinking with people my own age. So after the movie I made a trip to the ATM and got out of there pretty quickly. Granddad and I went our separate ways.

 Mine is for hiking, his is an actual cane.

So that was my bizarre awkward day. I think if this had happened to me in the past, I would have been pretty upset about it. I tended to be mortified pretty easily. But I'm actually okay with everything. I can see the humor in the situation. And now I have a story about having a sugar daddy for the day. So there's that. Until next time here's a picture of Thor:

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